Eickhoff Photography: Seattle Newborn Maternity Family Photographer

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5 Reasons to Have Maternity Photos Taken | Eickhoff Photography

You're pregnant =) YAY!

Now that you're about to have a baby, there are a million things to decide: where to give birth, what to name your sweet new babe, which bottles to buy, whether to use cloth diapers or disposables, what is the best crib, how to design the nursery... The list seems like it goes on forever. As you get closer to baby's arrival, deciding if you should have maternity photos taken may be one decision more than you can take. Let me help you out on this one by making the decision easy for you...You should definitely have maternity photos taken! To convince you further, here are my top 5 reasons why.

1) Relive the Connection

Once your new little love arrives, you can never go back to being pregnant with that squishy bundle of goodness. For many of us, this is bittersweet. No more reflux or sciatic pain, but also no longer being able to close your eyes and literally feel the life growing inside of you. Looking at photos with your sweet baby bump can transport you back to that precious time when they were wiggling in your belly and you had a one of a kind 24/7 connection.

2) Celebrate Your Strength

When you're pregnant, it's hard to move and you get out of breath just sitting and talking. Maybe you don't want to have photos taken because you're feeling overwhelmed by the changes to your body or just not feeling like yourself. But, despite the challenges, now is the time to celebrate the amazing strength of your human body to create a new life. To grow and nourish another being is an incredible feat of science and love. Documenting it serves as a reminder of how amazing, strong, beautiful, and resilient you are. Celebrate it! Wear something that makes you feel invincible and gorgeous, get your hair and makeup done, and record this awe-inspiring moment in time.

3) For Your Baby(ies)

Some day your little one will likely ask about where babies come from or, in my case, how he was "built". Being able to show them photos of when they were in your belly can not only make the conversation tangible, but can also be wonderful and fascinating for them. I still wish that I had a photo of my grandmother when she was pregnant (with triplets!!!). She was such a petite lady that I am amazed she was able to grow 3 tiny humans all at once! So show your kiddos the evidence of them growing safely inside the mama that they love and they are sure to cherish the photos of your adorable baby bump.

4) Maternity Photos can be Special without Feeling Like "a Whole Thing"

If you want the spectacular flowy dresses and epic mountain backgrounds, it can certainly be done. But, if you don't have the energy or desire for that, it's okay. Maternity photos don't have to be the full production. Mixing simple styling with your favorite cute pregnancy outfit (or two), some golden light, and a pretty backdrop, we can create beautiful images that highlight your love for your partner and the new little being growing inside of you. Maternity photos can be anxiety free, fun, easy, and beautiful without the stress of planning "a whole thing."

5) It's FUN!!!

Having maternity photos taken is a fun experience that allows you to slow down in the midst of the chaos of life, to cherish the coming arrival of your little sweet, and to imagine what they might be like when they are born or who they may become as they grow up. It allows you to document how your family is now before it grows in a wonderfully unpredictable way. Life will never again be exactly what it is in these moments before baby comes. Whether it is just you, you and your partner, or if baby has older siblings who are eager to meet them, you are about to enjoy all of the changes that come with adding a whole new personality to your life. Having maternity photos taken can give you a moment to reflect on the relationships you have now, with your partner, older children, or your fur babies, as you enjoy the last few quiet weeks before the rush of new beginnings. So relax, have a good time, think about all the love that has gone into creating your beautiful family, and document this wonderful fleeting time.

Maternity photos are typically taken around 28-36 weeks of pregnancy.

Now that you know you want to have maternity photos taken, I'd love to talk to you more about setting up a session.

Updated January 19, 2024

© Eickhoff Photography